Student Chaplaincy Team

As we write this article for Atrium we are putting the final touches to our preparation for the Open Day on 13th March. That day we will welcome young people and their parents to the Meditation Room. We have created a Prayer Journey so that people can experience various ways to pray during their visit. One example from the Journey is where we will invite people to take a moment to reflect on their lives, write a prayer and place it with the prayers of others. We all need to do this at times.

We joined this group because we wanted to be more involved in the College. First Year was a great year for us and we wanted to give something back to the College.  It was also important for us to develop our spiritual lives. Over the past six months we have been on a journey which has been fun and enjoyable. This is the first time that the College has had a ‘Student Chaplaincy Team’ and we really like our meetings on a Thursday lunchtime when we plan new activities.  We get lots of work done and it does not feel like work.

Among our activities were: planning for, and participating  in, the Christmas Carol Service;  contributing to  the  ‘Thought for the  Week’; reading the  Prayer at First Friday announcements and preparing prayer for 2nd Year Assembly. We have also supported the work of the Chaplain on other occasions of prayer and reflection in the College. We look forward to having more opportunities in the coming months to remember our College community in prayer. We think especially of those students doing exams.

Kate Finnan, Ellen Farrell, Aoife Howard, Izel Erdem , Damia  Syeda,  Cormac Kavanagh and Jack Greene Byrne.

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