This year saw another wonderful success story develop in the Art Department. Second Year student Paul O’Neill entered a very accomplished design for the extremely popular ‘Doodle 4 Google’ competition. This is a national competition where students are invited to enter a design based on the infamous Google template. This year’s theme was ‘My Invention….’.
After 2,300 entries and 95,000 on line votes, Paul’s design was selected as one of the 72 finalist. I think that you would agree that this was a wonderful achievement. On 15th April, Paul accompanied by his mother and Ms. Bennett, had the brilliant opportunity to attend the prize giving event in Google Head Quarters in Dublin city centre. Here Paul was afforded the fabulous opportunity of meeting the head ‘Doodler’ or illustrator in Ireland.
The Art Department would like to extend their congratulations to Paul for achieving such admirable accolades and for encouraging and inspiring his fellow classmates.