Tel: (01) 8221626

Over this next month, LC 1 and LC2, in addition to LCA 1 and LCA 2,will, through their Religion classes collect basic items  to make packs for the Rough Sleepers linked to the Simon Community.  The Rough Sleepers are a section of the homeless who for a variety of reasons do not sleep in Homeless Shelters.

Care for the Rough Sleepers Shoebox Appeal

  1. Warm Hat – Scarf – Gloves
  2. Socks: 1 heavy pair and 1-2 normal pairs.
  3. Shampoo / Shower Gel : All-in-one preferably
  4. Wet Wipes – Tissues : mini packs
  5. Lip Balm
  6. Toothbrush & Toothpaste
  7. Deodorant (roll on)
  8. Small bags of sweets – chocolates – cereal bars
  9. Comb
  10. Nail Clippers or small gift Check us out on –



Categories: School News