TY 2019/20: End of Year Review Presentation

TY 2019/20: End of Year Review Presentation

General Information

Please note that for you to be certified as having completed the Transition Year Programme in CCC, each TY student MUST submit either a vlog or interactive power point which will be assessed by members of the TY team. This presentation takes the place of the portfolio interviews which are traditionally held in May.

The mark for this presentation, along with input from each class tutor and the TY team will determine the overall result (Distinction/Merit/Pass) achieved by each student on completion of TY.   A separate subject report will also be issued in June, as assignments and projects submitted for various subjects over the past few months will be graded by subject teachers.

Assessment Task:

  • Create either a vlog or Office Mix interactive power point which is 10 minutes in length.
  • Your vlog or interactive power point will need to be structured, incorporating responses to each of the four key areas listed further down the page.
  • If you would be interested in doing the interactive power point option, the following link will take you to a YouTube tutorial about creating this type of power point:


 Deadline for submission of presentation:  Monday 11th May 2020

Submission:  Your presentation will be submitted by email to the T.Y. team.  Details will be forwarded nearer the submission date.


Each of the following Key Areas must be discussed in your presentation, in this order:

Key Area 1

     Review – Answer the following five questions:

     Having introduced yourself (full name and tutor group):

  1. Name and describe your top three highlights of the year (can be on an academic and/or activity level).
  2. What skills have you developed and what skills have you acquired over the course of the past year?
  3. How did you uphold the College’s core values of Courtesy, Respect and Responsibility?
  4. How do you think TY has prepared you for the Leaving Certificate?
  5. If you had the opportunity to do TY again, is there anything you would do differently?

 Key Area 2: Portfolio

Pick three pieces from your portfolio that you are particularly proud of and explain why you have chosen them.

 Key Area 3: Work Experience and Community Outreach Initiative

Talk about your November and February work experience sessions and give an account of your Community Outreach week.  If you were unable to do your Outreach week because of the current situation, please say so. If you also availed of extra work experience opportunities throughout the year, these can be described here as well.

 Key Area 4: The broader TY experience:

Talk about your participation in (but not limited to) fundraising, Gaisce, trips, subject specific field trips, TY specific programmes you participated in with An Garda Síochána/ Defence Forces/ hospital programmes/RCSI programmes/university programmes…your elective and shorter modules and taster subjects for Leaving Cert that you tried out this year.


Please note:

We are aware that not everyone will be comfortable sitting in front of a camera for 10 minutes chatting about the content of the four Key Areas outlined above, so that is why you also have the option of doing a power point accompanied by a voice over.

If opting for the vlog, you can use your phone to record the presentation. The camera doesn’t need to be on you 100% of the time – for example, when talking about your portfolio, make sure you include footage of your chosen pieces…or you can also show off projects/photos when talking about work experience/trips etc…show off your portfolio as much as possible.

If opting for the power point, you must include photos of your chosen portfolio pieces, as well as photos of anything else that will support your responses to any of the other key areas.

Also, if opting for the power point, use your points on each slide as a talking point. It would not be sufficient here to just list off bullet points without giving detailed information about each point you have included.

Be Prepared!

Preparation is key for this type of presentation! It would be important to sit down in advance and think about and note down your responses to each key area so that everything you wish to say is included in your presentation.

You can of course use your notes as a prompt during the presentation.

You can also make mistakes – no need to have it word perfect or anything, we are not expecting Oscar winning performances.

What we do want to see, however, is that you have considered the questions asked, that you have thought carefully about your responses to each key area and that there is sufficient detail in each response – watch your timing, 2.5 minutes per Key Area should be sufficient.

We would also like to see good evidence of reflection, analysis and evaluation in terms of your overall experience of and participation in TY over the past year.

Remember, if it was an interview situation, we’re sure that you would make a huge effort to give as much detail as possible, so treat this presentation in the same way.  

If you have any further queries, please email you tutor.

Good luck!


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