The Student Council
- Recognition of the importance of student involvement in our decision-making
- Recognition of the value of student input in our ongoing school development
Structure of the Student Council:
- The Class Captain and Vice-Captain represent each class group.
- Each member of the class has an opportunity to vote for the class representatives
- Class Captains and Vice-Captains meet with the Staff Liaison Person and the Prefect team assigned to their year group once every half-term
- Student feedback is brought to Management on a regular basis
Functions of the Student Council:
- To give students a forum to have their suggestions and opinions heard
- To ensure that all students are represented equally
- To bring students’ suggestions to the College management
- To ascertain students’ opinions on a range of issues
- To regularly review aspects of school organisation and learning at the Student Council Seminars
Senior Prefects
Prefects are appointed from our Leaving Certificate group. Their appointment to this leadership position in our College is a reflection of how the students have embraced the College motto “Mol an Óige agus Tiocfaidh Sí”, employed the core values of courtesy, respect and responsibility and the leadership potential displayed during their junior years. Prefects are ambassadors for the College and excellent role models for other students. Their function is to represent the student body at College events.
Prefects have a key role to play in the everyday life of the College. They can be called on to give practical assistance to teachers and are regularly commended for specific projects they undertake. Some have volunteered to act as Sports Prefects and have made a significant contribution to the sporting life of the College.
Along with the Mentors, they have had the opportunity to attend Leadership Training to encourage them to develop further their sense of responsibility and communication skills.
Student Mentors
This team of students, along with the First Year Care Team has the responsibility of helping first year students settle into the College and make the transition from primary to secondary education more enjoyable and less daunting. They each take responsibility for a small number of students in one tutor group. They meet with them every day during Tutorial, and assist the team with the organization of the legendary first year hike. Their participation with activities focused on the first year group helps develop the mentor/student relationship. They are available to answer questions and advise the first year students. They liaise with the First Year Care Team informing them of any concerns that may arise with their mentees.
Along with the Prefects, they too have had the opportunity to attend Leadership Training to encourage them to develop further their sense of responsibility and communication skills.