TY Trip to Bundoran

The T.Y. students of 2013 greatly looked forward to the annual TY trip to Bundoran, and for the majority it lived up to their expectations. We headed off on a Thursday morning in April on the long bus journey from CCC to Donegal. On arriving to Donegal Adventure Centre we unloaded our bags from the bus and headed off to the La Sabbia restaurant for lunch. Everyone was ravenous from the long journey and tucked into their delicious lunch of pasta and pizza. After lunch we got our introductory talk and were allocated rooms. The girls got to stay in the adventure centre while the boys stayed in the hostel nearby. We were split into groups and went off to do our activities.

All the groups did the same activities over the four days but at different times to each other. The water activities included surfing, cliff jumping and kayaking. They proved to be very popular and were the highlight of the trip for many. There were many activities which tested people’s fear of heights such as the balance beam, all aboard, the leap of faith, jacob’s ladder, rock climbing and abseiling. Some excelled at these and could even do it blind folded. Teamwork was a huge factor in some activies such as the adventure challenge where two teams were pitied against each other in solving puzzles and tasks and the Viking challenge when two teams had to build a raft, which were then raced against each other.

Most of the students had already done nite-line in Carlingford but in Bundoran it was much more difficult and muddy! Students were blind folded and followed each other in a line around the course calling out to each other instructions on what was coming up ahead. On our last night was surf chicks, which many looked forward to, especially the girls. The girls got to dress the boys as girls, applying make-up and styling outfits for them, to then compete against each other in a beauty pageant style competition. This ended a great few days in Bundoran. The instructors were fantastic and made the trip!

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